
“We will remember you. I hope you will remember us.”

Ahead of Friday’s session on the events in Chile on September 11th, 1973, I’d definitely recommend watching this short Ken Loach film. Perhaps what’s most notable about it is that Loach chose to make the film in response to America’s 9/11 – as part of this project. (I have a VHS copy of this film if anyone would like to borrow it.)

This sets up an interesting question about the relationship between catastrophes – clearly the way in which the events of 1973 have been interpreted has changed significantly since 2001. While Loach’s film won the prize for best short at the Venice film festival, Alexander Walker in the Evening Standard claimed it was “as disreputable an act as setting up your Marxist stall on the graves of 2,800 victims. His mini-film brings shame on our country."


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The song which sung by the protagonist is original from an Chilean folksinger Víctor Lidio Jara Martínez, who was arrested during the Chilean coup and was machine gunned to death.