
Concluding Session of the Catastrophe Committee

  1. The catastrophe is always closer than you think.
  2. Fuck! Unpack.
  3. In case of catastrophe, expose yourself.
  4. Men, cover your heads with the symbolic. Women, lift your skirts for the sublime.
  5. Take the catastrophe in every orifice and smile for the camera.
  6. Exploit your catastrophe before others do.
  7. Use skeleton key to access death drive.
  8. You are the biohazard.
  9. Catastrophe ToReachPast ChaosPatter RotPastAche ThatACorpse
  10. When the sun goes out we will all be stars.


clodaghkinsella said...

further anagrams can be generated with technology's aid/ some possibly of interest:

attach spore/attach ropes/attach poser/ attach prose

spectator ‘ah’! / ha! spectator/ a ‘ha’ protects

trace pathos/recta pathos

cheap tarots/ a cheat sport/ a space troth/ a poet’s chart / a throat spec/ a tart’s epoch/ strata epoch/

oh apt recast/ apt star echo/ top star ache/

oh apart sect/ each sot rapt/ each at ports/ ache to parts/

as chat trope/ as Other pact

foxdeprince said...

I would also suggest that in the anagrams' line Catastrophe appears like that: CataStrophe. After all, this is its etymological origine.

foxdeprince said...

Also I vote for Clodagh's AttachProse and TracePathos.