
Officially The Best Cinematic Explosion Ever...!

"...in Antonioni, the face disappeared at the same time as the character and the action, and the affective instance is that of the any-space-whatever, which Antonioni in turn pushes as far as the void..." Deleuze

Antonioni's counter-culture classic Zabriskie Point was an economic catastrophe for producers MGM. Featuring the usual meanderings of a couple of disaffected drop-out 'protagonists', it asks what solace might remain to be discovered in the generative potential of the desert - the leitmotif of today's talks. What sublime can the counter-culture fabricate from hated capitalist totems? Something like Burroughs' auto-annihilating cinema perhaps...Following the temporary respite of a sex/death orgy in the terminal heat, the film's famous extended final sequence dissolves (evolves?) into an orgiastic cultural freefall, where materialist junk becomes, with the help of Pink Floyd, the ultimate sublime ally. Endless repetitions, more concertina collisions and the ambiguous smile of Daria, silently bearing witness to the secret of the disaster's internal beauty and then 'just walking out'.

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