
Preparing For Emergencies

Some listening material for those of you that can afford a small break from essay writing.

It's from my small library of public information recordings; a roasting chestnut of "common sense useful advice" for all types of emergencies. If you lived in London (and I'm assuming the rest of the UK) a few years back, you may remember getting a pamphlet through your door containing advice on what to do in the event of a wide variety of disasters. My favourite part is about 3'30" into the recording where the male voice says "Of course, there are always going to be particular occasions when you should not go into a building. For example: if there is a fire."

Common sense from The Cabinet Office.

Here's a 4 minute excerpt.

If that's got you worried that you don't know enough about these issues, and you need to listen to the entire program (approx. 23 minutes) then there's also a full length version there (33mb)

Have a look at the website for more information

"Ready" The US version is friendlier looking but slightly more sinister for the fact, especially the 'Kids' section.

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