
Sickness Bags

I don't know if it would sound too materialistic to some of you, but I would love to see our manifesto printed on Sickness Bags in airplanes! It seems to me that in this case it is not about self-advertising, as Clodagh was pointing out about the stickers. Firstly because we are sort of exorcising catastrophe (or maybe provoking sickness?) by printing the manifesto in such bags, secondly because people while in the no man's land of airplanes are kind of unconciously cultivating some kind of secret fear about a potential crash. They are thus more receptive / susceptive to such messages as the manifesto ones. Last but not least, while emptying my mind for sleep when flying from one country to another, the catastrophe's manifesto printed in from of my seat seems to be a nice time killer that not only will keep me awake for some time but will intrigue a series of strange self-intrinsic thoughts that most people normally do staring at the void out of their cabin window.
Low-cost companies like easy-jet would be my suggestion.


tom mccarthy said...

okay: can you investigate the feasibility of this? I.e. find out how to go about this, and how much it would cost?

foxdeprince said...

I could do this but as a matter of fact I would be available after the 17th of November,given that i am actually flying to Greece in the meanwhile... If nobody has time to undertake this during next week, I would be glad to investigate the thing in 2 weeks time from now.